
Posts Tagged ‘Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipe’

The other day when Captain Cavedweller and I wandered through a World Market store, we found a case of Frostie pop, in glass bottles.

It had to come home with us. Had to!

There are four varieties of pop in the case, but the one that was giving me fits of nostalgia was the Blue Cream Soda.

One great holiday memory I have is of being about six and our family had gone on our annual jaunt to the woods to get Christmas trees. This was an all-day affair that involved much planning and generated enough excitement in my little 6-year-old person I probably could have fueled the pickup there and back again.

My parents, sister, two brothers and my brother’s wife and baby had loaded up in various pickups and trucks and headed for our destination more than an hour away on snow-packed, icy roads. A trailer full of snowmobiles was dragged along behind us and anticipation was high. After a few rounds of Jingle Bells, echoing off the inside of the pickup cab, my dad would no doubt begin regretting his participation in the venture and would launch into tales of farming incidents or highlights from his childhood to keep us distracted.

Once we made it to our destination, which was usually as close to one of the forest roads as we could stay and still find a place for our entourage to park, we would build a roaring campfire and toast weiners and marshmallows. My dad never met a marshmallow he couldn’t set aflame, although the insides were always cooked to perfection.

On this particular trip to the woods as we searched for trees and played on the snowmobiles, my brother hauled out a cooler of Frostie pop and scooped up snow into paper cups then poured the pop over the top.

I thought it was the best thing I’d ever tasted. The magical wonder of combining pop and snow was not lost on my little sugar-dazed head. I couldn’t tell you what the tree looked like that we choose that day. I don’t remember going home tired, wet, and cold.  But I do remember that being one of the most fun and wonderful tree-getting expeditions we took as a family.

So the other day when I saw the Frostie pop, I had to have it.

I brought it home and created a quick and festive little drink.

Just pour the pop in a glass, shoot in a dollop of whipped topping and sprinkle with snowflake candies and you are good to go.

You could also put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a glass and pour the pop over the top.

Or if you really want to recreate the fun, pour the pop over a cup full of shaved ice and enjoy!

She Who Misses the Old Glass Bottles of Great Pop

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If you are somewhere in the world where the sun is shining and it is warm and lovely heading into this Memorial Day Weekend. Enjoy it!

With our gray skies and rain, it doesn’t seem like it can be the end of May.

Here is an easy and fun drink that tastes best on hot days, but if you are being forced inside by the weather this weekend, plan an indoor picnic, cozy up by the fire and enjoy. This drink is also family friendly so the kids can smack their lips over it as well.


Sugar the rims of the glasses.

Scoop the slushy mix out of the pitcher and into the chilled glasses.

Strawberry Bliss!

Strawberry Bliss

1 can of Bacardi Mixers Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri concentrate

1 1/2 cans of water

1 bottle of Club Soda

granulated sugar

Mix concentrate with 1 1/2 cans (using the concentrate can) of water. Stir and freeze for a couple of hours, until it starts to firm up.

Wet the rims of your glasses and dip in sugar. Just put a teaspoon or so of sugar on a flat saucer and dip away. I like to put the glasses in the freezer after I sugar them so they are frosty when I serve the drink.

When you are ready to serve, remove the glasses and strawberry mix from the freezer. Scoop slush into glasses and fill about two-thirds full. Pour in enough club soda to fill the glass. You can garnish the glasses with a strawberry if you so desire or  a sprig of mint.

Sip, savor and smile!

Happy Entertaining!


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So far all you guys preparing a wonderful breakfast in bed for your wife this weekend in honor of Mother’s Day, here is a recipe for a beautiful but very simple drink. It is really tasty, too!

And even if you aren’t doing a breakfast-in-bed-be-her-hero-forever kind of thing, you can still make her this drink for breakfast. She’ll thank you, maybe even repeatedly.

Pomegranate anything is wildly popular and when mixed with orange juice, so delicious. You can use any type of orange or orange mix juice (like pineapple-banana-orange or orange-strawberry) just make sure the color of the juice is orange or this won’t look the same.

Ingredients for Grenadine Sunrise

Grenadine Sunrise

1 bottle of Grenadine Syrup

Orange Juice

Crushed Ice (optional)

If you are going to use ice, put it in the glass first. Pour in the orange juice. Then put a spoonful of the Grenadine Syrup in. It will do amazing and wondrous things in the glass and make a beautiful drink. Do not stir! Repeat, do not stir! This completely destroys the amazing and wondrous things. If you are transporting the glass, put it on a tray to carry and don’t shake it or you’ll have the same results as stirring. If you are using an 8-ounce glass, put about a teaspoon of syrup in. I just eyeball it until it looks good.

Yummy and Beautiful!

Enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day!

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