
Posts Tagged ‘Grenadine’

So far all you guys preparing a wonderful breakfast in bed for your wife this weekend in honor of Mother’s Day, here is a recipe for a beautiful but very simple drink. It is really tasty, too!

And even if you aren’t doing a breakfast-in-bed-be-her-hero-forever kind of thing, you can still make her this drink for breakfast. She’ll thank you, maybe even repeatedly.

Pomegranate anything is wildly popular and when mixed with orange juice, so delicious. You can use any type of orange or orange mix juice (like pineapple-banana-orange or orange-strawberry) just make sure the color of the juice is orange or this won’t look the same.

Ingredients for Grenadine Sunrise

Grenadine Sunrise

1 bottle of Grenadine Syrup

Orange Juice

Crushed Ice (optional)

If you are going to use ice, put it in the glass first. Pour in the orange juice. Then put a spoonful of the Grenadine Syrup in. It will do amazing and wondrous things in the glass and make a beautiful drink. Do not stir! Repeat, do not stir! This completely destroys the amazing and wondrous things. If you are transporting the glass, put it on a tray to carry and don’t shake it or you’ll have the same results as stirring. If you are using an 8-ounce glass, put about a teaspoon of syrup in. I just eyeball it until it looks good.

Yummy and Beautiful!

Enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day!

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