
Posts Tagged ‘Mother’s Day ideas’

This post is for all those guys out there who haven’t yet got their game plan together for how to make Mother’s Day special for the mother of their children. Here are some easy and savvy ideas to make you look like a hero.

Good Morning, Mom!

Start her day off right by taking care of breakfast. There are many simple recipes you can use to put together a fun meal.

Try this recipe for chocolate stuffed french toast. It isn’t hard to make and any mom who loves chocolate will thank you repeatedly.

Serve up a glass of this easy pomegranate drink. It looks like you slaved away creating it but if you can open a carton of juice and a bottle of syrup, you can do this!

If the mom in your life loves coffee, load the kids in the car so mom can sleep and run to your nearest Starbucks or favorite coffee joint and bring her back something deliciously decadent.

Mom Time

Once you’ve got breakfast out of the way, give Mom some me time. Run a bath for her and make sure there is plenty of bubble bath, candles and a good book for her to read. Then make sure she  can enjoy the bath without being disturbed. Or maybe she wants to get a facial or a pedicure. She might prefer to hang out on a lawn chair soaking up some sun. Just give her a little time to enjoy herself and she will undoubtedly thank you for it.

Picnic Pleasures


Weather permitting, a fun way to spend an afternoon is on a picnic. If you like to cook, whip up something delicious to take along. If cooking isn’t your forte, keep it simple. You could pack a loaf of bread, some assorted cheeses, fruits and chocolate for a nice yet easy meal. You can also whip together some great picnic sandwiches with meat and cheese from the deli and butter croissants. Add in some fruit and some gourmet chips and you are set to go. Take along some games or activities you can do as a family like a frisbee, kites or softball and bat. Make it fun and keep it lighthearted.

Divine Dinner

As long as Mom doesn’t have to cook it, she will probably think any dinner you and the kids come up with is awesome. Barbecue, make your specialty, take her out to eat.  Just give her the night off from cooking or doing dishes.

Grand Finale

You’ve dazzled Mom with a great breakfast, time for herself, a fun afternoon and a great dinner. What more can you do? Give her a neck massage, rub her feet, let her control the remote for the evening, actually listen to the conversation she is trying to have with you. I guarantee your efforts will not go unnoticed and you will quite likely be the hero of the day.

Whatever you do for Mother’s Day, just do it from your heart and make sure Mom knows how much you love and appreciate her.

Good luck!

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So far all you guys preparing a wonderful breakfast in bed for your wife this weekend in honor of Mother’s Day, here is a recipe for a beautiful but very simple drink. It is really tasty, too!

And even if you aren’t doing a breakfast-in-bed-be-her-hero-forever kind of thing, you can still make her this drink for breakfast. She’ll thank you, maybe even repeatedly.

Pomegranate anything is wildly popular and when mixed with orange juice, so delicious. You can use any type of orange or orange mix juice (like pineapple-banana-orange or orange-strawberry) just make sure the color of the juice is orange or this won’t look the same.

Ingredients for Grenadine Sunrise

Grenadine Sunrise

1 bottle of Grenadine Syrup

Orange Juice

Crushed Ice (optional)

If you are going to use ice, put it in the glass first. Pour in the orange juice. Then put a spoonful of the Grenadine Syrup in. It will do amazing and wondrous things in the glass and make a beautiful drink. Do not stir! Repeat, do not stir! This completely destroys the amazing and wondrous things. If you are transporting the glass, put it on a tray to carry and don’t shake it or you’ll have the same results as stirring. If you are using an 8-ounce glass, put about a teaspoon of syrup in. I just eyeball it until it looks good.

Yummy and Beautiful!

Enjoy and Happy Mother’s Day!

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MomIf you are hosting a Mother’s Day get together, think about what you can do to make all the mothers feel extra special in your home.  By implementing a few simple ideas, you will ensure they know how much they are loved and appreciated.

Have a door greeter (one of your children would be great at the job) who hands every Mom a single stem flower as they walk in the door. These can be flowers from the florist or fresh cut from your garden. Have the flowers in a basket with individual water tubes on each stem to keep them fresh. Water tubes are available in craft stores or from a florist.

If you are serving a sit-down meal, have something special for each Mom at her place setting. It can be something as simple as a tiny box with one decadent truffle or a piece of her favorite candy. You could have an individual flower or votive floating in a small bowl. Even a poem hand-written or photocopied on nice card stock would be appreciated.

To truly touch her heart, spend a few minutes writing down the reasons you appreciate her. Put it on nice cardstock or in an inexpensive frame. This will definitely be a keepsake and probably much more appreciated than other gifts you could buy.

And don’t forget those who may not be mothers, but have a mother’s-heart. If you have a special aunt, sister, cousin or friend who goes out of her way to make you or your little ones feel special, make sure you show your appreciation to them as well.

Think with your heart and I know you’ll be able to give your Mom a special memory she’ll always treasure.

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