
Posts Tagged ‘New Year’s Party’

If you and your friends aren’t into the stay up late party scene of New Year’s Eve but you would still like to entertain for the holiday, think about hosting a New Year’s Day brunch. Plan to start around 11 a.m., giving those night-owls plenty of time to get up and moving before your party starts.

Keep things simple and uncluttered (a great way to start the new year, huh?). Don’t go over board with decorations or food. You want to have things looking clean and elegant.

Have guest share a New Year’s memory or tell about a resolution they kept.  If you want to do something really fun, have everyone right down one goal or resolution, place them all in a sealed envelope and stash it away until next December. Pull them out when you do your Christmas cards and send to your friends. They will appreciate that you did keep the info and will probably get a chuckle over what they wrote down. Or host another New Year’s Brunch in 2012 with the same crowd and open the envelope there.

Tell guests the dress is relaxed and keep the atmosphere casual. Offer a buffet selection of sliced fruits and some make ahead or easy to prepare food.

Quiche is a great option. It is warm, delicious and easy to make. Try my bacon quiche or spinach mushroom.


Easy Pumpkin Bread



Quick breads are also a fabulous choice. They can be made ahead and are tasty plain or slathered with butter. You can make a variety of these (or cheat and pick up a three-pack at Costco!). Here are recipes for banana bread or pumpkin bread.



Ham and Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole



Breakfast casseroles are another great way to get something hot and comforting on the table with minimum effort. One of my favorites is this ham and hashbrown casserole.



Yummy and Beautiful!



Make sure you serve this Grenadine Sunrise as a beautiful start to a beautiful new year!

Happy New Year Entertaining!



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If you are looking for a show-stopping finale to your New Year’s Eve party, think about making this beautiful bubbly dessert. Simple with very few ingredients, it is easy to put together and can be made well in advance.

Bubbly Dessert

1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin

2 cups cold white grape juice, divided

2 tbsp. sugar

2 cups club soda or champagne

8 fresh strawberries or raspberries

In a small saucepan, sprinkled gelatin over 1 cup of the cold grape juice. Let stand for one minute. Heat over low heat stirring until gelatin is completely dissolved. Stir in sugar. Remove from heat, stir in remaining grape juice. Cool to room temperature.

Transfer gelatin mixture to a large bowl. Slowly stir in soda or champagne. Pour half of the mixture into eight champagne or parfait glasses. Add a berry to each glass (if using a strawberry, remove hulls first). Chill glasses and remaining gelatin mixture until almost set, about an hour.

Place the reserved gelatin mixture in a blender, cover and process until foamy. Pour into glasses. Chill for three hours or until set.

Makes 8 servings.

Enjoy and please celebrate safely!

Happy Entertaining and Happy New Year!

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As friends and family gather in your home to watch the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, don’t be the one who drops the ball with entertaining. Do a little prep work now to be prepared to enjoy the evening with family and friends.

Even if you are entertaining on a tight budget, there are a lot of easy, inexpensive things you can do to create a beautiful celebration.

Entertain Buffet Style – Setting the food out in a buffet keeps you from being so tied to the kitchen and creates a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere in which your guests  are at ease to mingle and enjoy each other. Remember to incorporate height,  color and texture in your buffet. If your food is going to be sitting out for a while, be sure you are keeping hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Put ice in trays and cover with a drape. Nestle in those bowls of salads and foods that need to stay chilled. To keep hot foods warm, use crock pots, bricks warmed in the oven or tea lights under open trays to keep hot foods hot. Set hot foods and cold foods at opposite ends of the table.

Keep it Simple and Fresh – For a show-stopping look combine silver, white or cream and glass pieces. The new year is about new beginnings, so go for a clean, classy look. Use silver trays or bowls, glass pitchers and platters and cream or white accent pieces. Buy an inexpensive can of silver spray paint and go to town on flower pots, plastic to-go trays, anything that you may already have that can work as a serving piece. Add in a few glass pieces and some white flowers (you could even use white and silver Christmas balls which are now on huge clearance sales) for a centerpiece. Make sure you use white candles (also on sale in the holiday sections of stores) to create a warm glow on your table and throughout your home.

Offer a Simple Menu – After all the holiday over-eating, offer some lighter fare such as fruit and veggie trays. An easy buffet to pull together could include assorted fruits such as pears, figs, apples, grapes and berries along with an assortment of cheeses, nuts, meats and crackers. Have a few dips with assorted breads and veggies. For a super easy meal, offer a big pot or two of soup, a couple of bread choices, some fresh fruit and a delicious dessert. Have both hot and cold beverages available. Put on a pot of mulled cider to fill your house with a delicious inviting scent.

Fun Finishing Touches – Confetti is a great project for little ones and can be made out of discarded mail, newspaper or old christmas cards. Have them cut into little squres then set out in bowls. Or create little pouches of confetti made of white tissue paper tied with silver string and hand one to each guest just before midnight. Write or type out New Year toasts, making sure each toast fits on one line. Cut out each toast and wrap around a pencil until curled. Slip the curl on each stem of glassware for a fun surprise for your guests. Some toasts ideas are:

In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want.– Traditional Irish toast

Here’s a toast to the future, a toast to the past, and a toast to our friends, far and near. May the future be pleasant; the past a bright dream; may our friends remain faithful and dear. – Anonymous

May we live to learn well, and learn to live well. May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live. – Anonymous

Love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.– Anonymous

May the friends of our youth be the companions of our old age. – Anonymous

Play It Safe – If alcohol will be served at your celebration, make sure there are designated drivers, guests rooms ready for last-minute use and the number of the “tipsy taxi” is by your phone.

Enjoy your celebration, be over-prepared and ready to go with the flow, be safe and may 2010 be your best year yet!

Happy Entertaining, Happy New Year!

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